An email support tool for small SaaS companies

Build better relationships with your customers

Screenshot of the helptail dashboard with a two column layout: email column and content column

Run a SaaS for long enough, and you know that at some point support will become the defining feature of your business. Not just an afterthought, but something that makes a difference for your growth.

More calm support for your SaaS

Not an easy feat as the options for email support tools are plenty, but none seem to understand how SaaS companies work. You want a great way to answer support emails. You don’t need chat. It’s way too time-consuming! You don’t need a knowledge base: your marketing site (built with a Static Site Generator or Spinal Builder can do that)! You don’t need surveys, product tours, omnichannels or whatever other upsell feature…

Just a great tool that let’s you answer support emails. While staying calm… Say No More.

Improved customer relationships

Your customers don’t just do business with a company, but with a company run by humans. That human touch is what makes the difference. So your email support tool should facilitate that. Not just a quick reply and off to the next email to meet some arbitrary targets, but software that helps you foster the relationships with your customers. Because a great product gets the signup, but the people of the company get them to stay.

Get early access

Helptail is currently in early access with multiple dozen SaaS companies using it daily. Early birds get a 50% discount for the first 12 months. Note that it might take some time before you are invited.