
While in early access, get Helptail with a 50% discount for your first 12 months.

50% Early bird discount

$ 50 25 month

  • Unlimited email
  • 10 team members
  • 25 Follow Ups
  • 10 filters
  • Customer enrichment / CRM *
  • Search your docs, knowledge base, etc. *
  • Error monitoring integration
  • Stripe integration
  • AI assistant *

Get access

Features marked * are coming soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wait, is this new? Do we really need another email support tool?

That depends. If you run a SaaS company, you know how most email support tools don’t cut it. Because the relationship with customers in your SaaS business is really different than that of, let’s say, an eCommerce business. Also many add gimmicky and unneeded, features in order to upsell and increase profits. So, yes, just an email support tool focussed on calm SaaS companies has its place.

Does Helptail come with the familiar support features like chat or a knowledge base?

No. Calm SaaS companies shouldn’t use live chat. It takes away from your focus time. As for a knowledge base: you are better off building one yourself (using a static site generator or Spinal Builder). Be in control, make it exactly yours, fast and as a bonus: the upside of having the content on your own domain too. Say No More!

What if my team is bigger than 10?

Do reach out. I am sure we can work something out.

How does the “early access” pricing work? What is included?

After signup, you can trial Helptail for 5 days. You get a discount of 50% for the first 12 months. With this plan you can use Helptail with most of your team and without any limits on emails, contacts and so on (fair-use policy will apply). After the first 12 months the price will be $50/month (or $500/year). Over time, as the product matures, I will decrease the discount.

I need this! When?!

Currently Helptail is being used at a handful of SaaS’ that I also founded and multiple dozen companies who requested access. It is working remarkably well for them, but I like to slowly grow the customer base (for my own sanity and to make sure the product doesn’t collapse under sudden influx of new customers). Add yourself to the waitlist.

Who is behind this? What's the story?

That’s me, Eelco. I’m a (solo) founder of multiple successful SaaS companies. Helptail is based on an internal tool I built years ago and have used since. Whenever other founders saw the tool or customers complimented support, I got questions like: can I use this too? So in spring 2023 I started a complete rebuild to make it available to SaaS founders like you.