
With templates, also known as canned responses, you can easily insert a predefined text. This is great to quickly answer recurring requests coming in.

Create a new template #

You can create templates on the templates screen from the setting screen.

Select New at the top. A modal appears to write your template. It needs the following:

  • name; something to easily identify the template when selecting it in the composer
  • template; the actual template’s content

Markdown support #

The template supports Markdown. That is, the composer supports markdown, so templates as a result do to.

Liquid support #

Templates also support liquid. It’s a templating language to do really nifty things.

Variables #

Out-of-the-box Helptail gives you access to the following contact’s data:

  • email
  • name
  • first_name (guessed as the first part before a space)

Example usage would be:

Hey {{ contact.first_name | default: "there" }},

Rest of the message…

If you send a message to someone in your contacts, the contact’s first name is added once you insert the template. If there’s no name known, it will fallback to the defined default value of “there“.

Make sure you test drive any liquid tags in a template before using it in replies to your customers. With great power, comes great responsibility!

Have questions?

Something still unclear? Reach out to support.